A Comprehensive, Academic Journal of the Philosophy, History, Sociology and Cultural Studies of Science and Technology
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Journal of Dialectics of Nature (Monthly) is a first-class national academic journal supervised under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and sponsored by the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, edited and published by the Journal of Dialectics of Nature of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is the main journal of philosophy, humanities and social sciences. This Journal has been personally instructed by Comrade Deng Xiaoping in 1978, and started publication in 1979 when China’s reform and opening-up was just launched. The famous philosopher and economist Mr. Yu Guangyuan was the first chief editor, and the famous physicist Qian Sanqiang served as the first president.

The Journal is a comprehensive and theoretical journal about research on the philosophy, history, sociology and culture of science and technology. It’s a tie that binds natural science, social science and humanities and a bridge that connects scientific culture with humanistic culture. With the aim to carry forward the spirit of science and spread humanistic feelings, it is based on the combination of science and humanities, and the combination of academic and ideological ideas. The Journal was once reputed by the US Science magazine as a “prestigious journal”, and the articles published during 1979-1985 were once selected and compiled into a special volume named Research on the History and Philosophy of Chinese Science and Technology by Boston Science and Philosophy Library.

The Journal offers columns on Philosophy of Science and Technology, the History of Science and Technology, Science & Technology and Sociology, Culture of Science and Technology and Scientific Biography. It also allocates up a special column about the hot and frontier issues in the academic circle. With a focus on keeping the readers up-to-date with the latest academic information and research results both at home and abroad, it is also a good journal for those who are pursuing studies and deepening their knowledge.

The target readers of the Journal include scientists, engineers, research management staff, high-tech entrepreneurs, researchers dedicated to the philosophy of science and technology, the history of science and technology, science sociology and science & technology policies, teachers in colleges, graduates, undergraduates, middle school teachers, as well as social science or humanities researchers and amateurs interested in the dialectics of nature and related disciplines. The Journal features a noble style and suits both refined and popular tastes is an arena for every academic researcher and cultural lover to sharpen their thoughts and a garden where they can roam spiritually. It will lead readers at all levels to somewhere fascinating and mysterious.

The Journal is released publicly both at home and abroad, and is published on the 10th of each month. The issue has 126 pages. The subscription price is RMB 20 per issue or RMB 240 for an annual subscription. Domestically, it’s circulated through the Beijing Bureau of Newspaper and Periodical Circulation, with the post issue code as 2-281, and can be subscribed at post offices all over China. It’s circulated overseas through China International Book Trading Corporation (Beijing Mailbox 399), with the post issue code as BM102. Readers who need the Journal temporarily can contact us directly (Journal of Dialectics of Nature, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.19 A, Yuquan Road, Beijing, Post code: 100049). Subscription for the issues in 2019 will begin soon or has begun. Please subscribe at post offices as soon as possible.

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