A Comprehensive, Academic Journal of the Philosophy, History, Sociology and Cultural Studies of Science and Technology
Author Guidelines
Contribution Invitation for the Journal of Dialectics of Nature in 2022

I. We accept online contribution, with the website of the journal as

II. We implement the anonymous referee and peer review system. The journal offers columns on the Philosophy of Science and Technology, the History of Science and Technology, the Sociology of Science and Technology and the Culture of Science and Technology. It also allocates a special column devoted to hot and frontier issues in the academic circle. Papers with new contents, new views, or new inventions written by scholars from all over the country are welcome. We don’t accept articles that have been published in public or articles that have been contributed to more than one periodical. We only accept unpublished articles that have been exclusively contributed to the Journal of Dialectics of Nature.

III. Each contributed article shall contain 10,000 words at most (no more than 15,000 words for an article in the column of Scientific Biography), with 3-5 key words and a maximum of 300 words in the Chinese abstract. The English title, the author’s name, the organization which the author works for, the abstract and key words shall be submitted at the same time.

IV. Please don’t include your name, organization, city, postcode, profile, telephone number or E-mail address in the main part of the article contributed online, and avoid disclosure of your identity in the article. Within 45 days upon receipt of your article, we’ll give preliminary review opinions, which include three types, i.e. “rejection”, “revision needed” and “preliminary review passed”.  For reworked manuscripts that had required revision or those that had been given a preliminary pass, we’ll give further opinions within another 45 days. The opinions for the articles marked with “revision needed” will include “rejection”, “revision needed” and “preliminary review passed”. The opinions for the articles marked with “preliminary review passed” will include “rejection”, “revision needed” and “adopted and to be published”.

V. All the references shall be shown in endnotes, with complete information for readers to search. The format shall be in line with the codes of the journal. Please do not add false notes. Sources must be noted when you cite or take for reference the information or views of other people. As for parts cited from Chinese translation or quoted from other people, please note the actual source truthfully. The format for the endnotes of the journal is as follows:

1. Books

[1] Needham, J. Science and Civilisation in China [M]. Vol. 2. 1959. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1980, 334-335.

2. Papers

[2] Shryock, R. H. 'American Indifference to Basic Science During the Nineteenth Century' [A], Barber, B., Hirsh, W.(Eds) The Sociology of Science [C], New York: Free Press, 1962, 98-110.

3. Periodicals

[3] Numbers, R. L. 'Creationism in Twentieth-Century America' [J]. Science, 1982, 218(4572): 538-544.

4. Electronic literature

[4] Committee, N. 'The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015' [EB/OL].

VI. If your article is published in the journal, you can’t contribute it to any other publication in any form. You enjoy the non-exclusive right. You can publish it in your work collection or the work collection of your organization for the purpose of academic exchanges and communication; your article can also be reprinted by other non-profit academic publications (the author’s name must be noted; no revision or deletion that will harm the substantial contents or contents of the article is allowed, and remuneration must be paid in time and in accordance with the provisions of the State), but details about the publication of the article in the Journal of Dialectics of Nature (including the date of publication, the page, issue and volume in which the article is published) must be noted. Any domestic or foreign institution or individual that uses the article for duplication, translation, publication or other for-profit or commercial activities must obtain the written consent of the Editorial Office of the journal in advance to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the author and the journal.

VII. Matters Worth of Attention for Contribution

1. Please fill in your personal information truthfully during contribution.

2. Please do not contribute an article repeatedly.

3. Each article can only be contributed to one column; please write to the Editorial Office if you want to choose another column for your article.

4. Please avoid repeated contribution of an article that needs revision; please write to the Editorial Office if you don’t know how to send us the revised article.

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