A Comprehensive, Academic Journal of the Philosophy, History, Sociology and Cultural Studies of Science and Technology
About the Journal

Journal of Dialectics of Nature (Monthly) is a first-class national academic journal supervised under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and sponsored by the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, edited and published by the Journal of Dialectics of Nature of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is the main journal of philosophy, humanities and social sciences. This Journal has been personally instructed by Comrade Deng Xiaoping in 1978, and started publication in 1979 when China’s reform and opening-up was just launched. The famous philosopher and economist Mr. Yu Guangyuan was the first chief editor, and the famous physicist Qian Sanqiang served as the first president.

The Journal offer columns on Philosophy of Science and Technology, the History of Science and Technology, the Sociology of Science and Technology, Culture of Science and Technology and Scientific Biography. It also allocates a special column about the hot and frontier issues in the academic circle. With a focus on keeping the readers up-to-date with the latest academic information and research results both at home and abroad, it is also a good journal for those who are pursuing studies and deepening their knowledge.

The Journal is released both at home and abroad, and published on the 10th day of every month, with a total of 128 pages. By the 12th issue of 2021, 280 issues in 43 volumes have been published in total.


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