A Comprehensive, Academic Journal of the Philosophy, History, Sociology and Cultural Studies of Science and Technology
Latest Issue
Vomule 41, Issue 2
February, 2019
Research on the Establishment of the "Five Freedoms" of Farm Animals Welfare
Author: GUO Xin   YAN Huoqi      
Published Online: 10 February 2019


Since the passing of the Martin Act in 1822, the British society had debated on how to care for animals and how to deal with the relationship between humans and animals for a long time. After then, the publication of the Animal Farm in 1964 aroused a 15-year debate about the farm animal welfare issues. After longterm debates and consultations between the parties, the “five freedoms” of farm animal welfare was established finally in 1979. The “Five reedoms” offered a basic framework for the research of animal welfare science, and pointed out the direction of development. In addition, it largely affected the government's management of animal production and the practices of breeders. Meanwhile, it represents a profound fundamental for animal welfare legislation and the assessment of farm animals' welfare quality. The “five freedoms” is obviously formed during the mangle of negotiation and consultation over many groups of interests, concepts, and knowledge among producers, consumers, scientists and the government.

Key Words

Farm animal welfare; Five freedoms; Mangle of practice


Citation: GUO, X., Yan, H. 'Research on the Establishment of the "Five Freedoms" of Farm Animals Welfare' [J]. Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2019, 41(2): 74-82.

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