English Version
  • 20022277

    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 50
  • The Role of Regional Net works of Innovation for the Development of High tech Industries:An Interpretation of Innovation Activities in Silicon Valley(p.51)
    An important character of technological innovations in the period of emergence and development of high tech industry is that they realized in the form of cluster of innovative start-up s,which is also a remarkable pattern of silicon valley’s innovation activities. Through an analysis of the essence of technological innovation as the process of "creative construction",an analysis of innovation subject’s shift in the growing process of start-ups,and an analysis of both advantages and disadvantages of small size firms,the author discusses the importance of regional networks of innovation for the development of high tech industries,and also give a new interpretation of innovation activities in silicon valley.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 51-54+30-95
  • 20022279

    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 55-61
  • Zhuxi's Idiographic Science Point and Taoism(p. 62)
    Zhuxi is one of the typical examples what Needham sued explaining that Taoism’s organic nature theory is the stimulates of the ancient Chinese science and technology. Zhuxi’s achievement is the most and the largest in the three typical example. Zhuxi’s points in science are Shenkuo by origin,and Shenkuo is Taoism by origin.Therefore,the thesis studies the relation between Zhuxi’s points in science and Taoism. The thesis analyses cosurology,life science and medicine,meteorology,etc. ,and points out that Zhuxi’s points in these subjects are Taoism by origin. Taoism’s organic nature theory guided Zhuxi studied these subject affect European and Chinese science and technology.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 62-67+95-96
  • Zu Chongzhi's Works on Astronomy and Calendar Making--Memorial of the 1500th Anniversary of Zu's Death(p.68)
    The Darning Calendar made by Zu Chongzhi is one of the most innovative calendar in ancient China,with the introduction of precession,the reform on the cycle of intercalary months,the newly measurement of length of tropical year and the establishment of the method of measuring the time of winter solstice being the most important contributions. The facts that he looked high on actual measurement,was industrious at thinking,goo d at using predecessor’s achievements and brave to struggle against fogeyish thought,all of which are all recorded in historical books,are important cause for his making a lot of innovation and obtaining so many achievements.In memorial of the great man of science,this article gives accounts on the causes and results of all that stated above.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 68-73+96
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