English Version
  • "Four一Dimensions Space一Times" and Their "Tension" in Historiography of Science(p. 64)
    On the basis of author’s own experiences and observes&theoretical reflections,by using correct views of many historians for reference,this paper discusses comprehensively and thoroughly contents and implications of “four-dimension space一times" in historiography of science. "Four dimension space一times"signify substantial evidence’s dimension,rational dimension,intuitive dimension,and contextual dimension.The preservation of the essential tension between various dimensions also is expounded. The paper states clearly that this is a new,original,and effective research program in history of science.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 64-71+96
  • How Did Zu Chongzhi Find His Value π=355/113?
    In early 5th century AD,for deriving the cycle of the intercalary month in a calendar一making system,a numerical method was invented by Chinese Mathematician. With a constructed theorem,the author comes to a conclusion that this method,in a sense,equals to the algorithm of the continued fraction. A series convergent to any given number could be derived with this method. The result explains a fact,which has been verified being served as convergent to some constants,appeared in the texts of mathematics or astronomy in ancient China,but on evidence to show there was an algorithm of continued fraction in ancient China. By the use of this method,a possible way for deriving Zu Chongzhi’s value π=355/113 is demonstrated.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 72-77+96
  • From Physics Master to Soul Seller :The Man and Things of Philipp Lenard(p.78)
    An excellent experimental physicist was bound to fall behind the tidy of scientific revolution. He figured out to turn to the Nazi,and stirred up among scientists. Eventually he lost all standing and reputation,became a person condemned by history.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 78-88+96
  • 20023310

    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 89-90
  • 20023311

    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 91-94+90
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