English Version
  • Thinking about Contemporary Differentiation of Scientific Community and Academic Internationalization (p.32)
    It is a public goods that the image of science knowledge is in traditional theories of scientific community,and that an idealistic view of academic internationalization is formed. The paper points out that academic knowledge is not necessarily a public goods and that all of the degrees, modes and outcomes of the academic communism are under profound influences of the interests of the nation and enterprises.The powerful interventions of the nation and enterprise into the academic activities causes the differentiation and recombination of the academic community .The mission of academic is taking place great change.It is inherently a conflict process of value and interests in the courses of academic internationalization. It is lost the universality that is held by the idealistic mode of internationalization which benefits each other.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 32-37+43-95
  • The Study of the Social Operation of the SNI ( p. 38 )
    Western scholars, Freeman and Nelson, put forward the theory of the System of National Innovation(SNI) respectively at the end of 1980's, it has been put into practice as a strategic choice in DECD countries,and been enriched and improved gradually .The emergence of the SNI,makes the innovation into the macrocosm from microcosm,and it improves the innovation become production. The new role and new social norm beyond the knowledge一based economy, is the nucleus of social operation of the SNI.The SNI will show its special value gradually under the coordination of the institution and culture. It is beyond question to study the theory can deepen the understanding of its nature.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 38-43+95
  • A Perspective into the Eclipse Observations and Records of the Qing Dynasty ( p . 44 )
    Eclipse observation and record was a very important ritual formality in old Chinese dynasties. As generally impresses, this process was objective and scientific. This paper analyzed the eclipse data collected from the observational reports submitted to throne by the Astronomical Bureau of the Qing Dynasty·It was discovered that the data in the observational reports from late Kangxi to early Xianfeng reigns were very largely transcribed from the eclipse predictions issued by the Astronomical Bureau before every eclipse. This indicates that the process of eclipse observation and record in the Qing Dynasty was not so objective and scientific as researchers imagines.The most impossible reasons for this phenomenon are that 1·the authorities of Dynasty upheld the supremacy of the so一called "royally decided" calendar and shared an unreasonable conceit on the precision of that calendar in such things as eclipse prediction; 2 .missionaries wanted to conceal the errors in order to maintain their status in government of Qing Dynasty and to spread the Christianism; 3 .the officials in Qintianjian (Astronomy Bureau of Qing Dynasty) wanted to keep their own benefits.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 44-50+95
  • A Cognition of the Chinese Technical Tradition(p.51)
    The research and investigation on the history of technology in ancient and contemporary China means a cognition of or a discovery of the Chinese technical tradition·Such specialists as Liu Xianzhou and Wang Zhenduo initiated textual and monographic research on machines in ancient China, and even restored some machines.Joseph Needham,Lu Jingyan Hua Jueming and other scholars made many studies in this field However, ancient records and archaeological studies cannot supply enough information for researchers. Aninvestigation on contemporary traditional machines especially in country is an effective approach to discover the technical tradition. Researchers from China and other countries had already made a lot of work for it.Since 1990, the author of this paper investigated some traditional machines to make a detailed inquiry into their construction, materials, manufacturing technology and usage, including his interviews with machine一makers, so that he have had a further understanding of the technical tradition and have recorded many techniques·It is very necessary to make an investigation and research on technical tradition in different cultural contexts.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 51-56+80-95
  • On Some Points of Textual Criticism in the Study of Historical Materials about Science and Technology in Ancient China ( p . 57 )
    Dealing with collection, textual research,analysis and explanation of historical materials in studying the history of science and technology in ancient China, the paper enumerated some existing problems such as poor in philology and so on, put forward several proposals for way out·
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 57-59+93-95
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