English Version
  • The Encounter between Thomas and the Bishop Wilberforce( p. 1)
    The encounter between Thomas Huxley and the Bishop Wilberforce was probably a kind of social image reconstructed by the Darwinians in Victorian age. one reconsiders it in the context of scientific professionalization ,he will find that it would be mainly the conflict between professional scientists and naturalist gentlemen other than the conflict between science and religion because Wilberforce’s criticism was primarily in a scientific way. In addition ,there is no any obvious evidence to show that Huxley had won the debate scientifically.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 1-5+94
  • A Pragmatic Explanation of Truth in Natural Languages( p. 6)
    This essay is an approach to the meaning of the concept truth in nature language by means of pragmatic explanation. The pragmatic approach shows that the conception of truth as defined in simple correspondence theory is incomplete ,that a pragmatist explanation is essential to meaning of truth and that sophisticated correspondence theory and pragmatist theory are not competitive alternatives of conception of the truth ,but compatible complementary to each other ,coherence offers no explanation of truth but one of requirements to be met by the claims to truth. The pragmatic approach has a consequence that theoretical knowledge ,contrary to K. Ripper' s insistence ,is verifiable but not falsifiable.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 6-12+94
  • On the Interface of Semantics and Pragmatics( p. 13)
    The dissertation summarizes completely three kinds of delimitation theory about semantics and pragmatics in philosophy of language ,which is formal ,inernalist and philosophical especially ,through describing the mode of relevance theory it expands the research of semantics and pragmatics to cognition and communication process of whole human being ,and points that the research of delimitation about semantics and pragmatics is not only clarifying lost of correlation theses in philosophy of language ,but also establishing the foundation for the turn from philosophy of language to philosophy as cognitive science ,which has an important scientific value and methodological significance for revealing essence of cognition and research of artificial intelligence machine.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 13-18+94
  • From Factual World to Normal World( p.19)
    Habermas ,in universal pragmatics that he has founded ,set the speech validity in the living wand and extended the validity of factual propositions or forms into the formal social field. Thereby ,the common speech validity has been developed into a kind of universal validity with many sorts of demands and meanings. Sowing the question of universal validity in the living world are perceived. Hence ,Habermas not only verified the universality of communicative rationality ,but also established a brand一new measurement and research framework for natural science and human science.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 19-25+94-95
  • Cases on the Activities of Technological Innovation in Industrial Laboratory( p. 26)
    This paper ,firstly ,shows that the achievements of technological innovation in industrial laboratory impact on human culture by exemplification of Bell Labs’.Secondly ,it concludes the administration and structure of industrial laboratory from different sides. Thirdly ,it analyzes the process of the activities of technological innovation in industrial laboratory by virtues of cases. F2nally ,it points out same measures and suggestion on the establishment and improvement of system of technological innovation in enterprise.
    作者: 编委会编辑        
    卷期: 2002
    页码: 26-31+95
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